Big International Grocery Opens in Overland Park - World Fresh Market

Big International Grocery Opens in Overland Park - World Fresh Market

On Wednesday this week, a large new international market opened in Overland Park. World Fresh Market is a new concept by the owner of El Mercado Fresco, a chain of local Latino markets. The grocery opens in the previous Wal-mart grocery space at 103rd and Metcalf streets. I attended the opening on Wednesday. If you want to see more photos from the store aside from those below, look for an upcoming article on my blog.

While I had big expectations, given what I had heard about El Mercado Fresco and the size of the space, I was just blown away by the breadth and depth of the store's selections. It had tons of Latino and Asian foods as I expected, but I kept finding surprises. A selection of fresh Turkish food just inside the door. The Falafel counter. A section with West African staples like nuts, flours, and spices. Frozen Malaysian foods. Russian desserts, candies and pickled fish? Just outstanding.

I was looking for German and Dutch foods, as I have ongoing interests and projects relating to those cuisines. Didn't find them on this first visit. Was also looking for East African foods.

This store will definitely join my regular grocery store rotation.

Turkish delight, Turkish cookies (top), pita bread (left)
Bakery department
Just inside store entrance
Aisles and aisles of Latino foods
Seeds, beans and nuts deli
Full produce department